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Payoff Table Case One-Page Summary

Payoff Table Case One-Page Summary

Q One-page Summary – Payoff Table Case I have recorded an analysis of the case using a payoff table to decide which of several candidates to recommend the company hire. I should note that I deliberately ended up recommending a candidate that seems rather unlikely. Each of you must listen to that recording. Once you have done that, you must write up your recommendation in a one-page summary. The paper should be single-spaced with margins no less than one inch all the way around. The typeface may be no less than 10 point, and you must use a normal typeface (Times New Roman, or something like that). The summary should be single-spaced. Grammar and spelling will be graded. The outline for what you must write follows: Begin with a single sentence, saying simply “I recommend we hire _______.” You should not include the quotation marks and fill in the “_______” with the name of the candidate you recommend. Start a new paragraph and explain to me why you chose the candidate you recommended. Focus entirely on the candidate you recommended, not the others. Be fair – explain both the good points (rewards) and the bad (risks) and make me understand why the good points outweigh the bad. You probably won’t have room to list all the risks and rewards of your preferred candidate, so make sure you include the most important ones. DO NOT (caps for emphasis) mention the decision rules at all. Talk only about the risks and rewards from the payoffs and probabilities. Essentially, you are giving me enough information so I could take your summary and using just the information in it, make a good argument to someone else about your recommended candidate. You must include the data in this paragraph Start another paragraph, and this time briefly compare your preferred candidate to the others. You will have even less room for this paragraph, so rather than doing a risk-to-risk or reward-to-reward comparison, talk about the candidates in an overall sense. You might include some of the data in this paragraph, but you might not. Again, you need to communicate a good level of understanding as to why you think your recommendation is better than the others. Do not show the payoff table at all. To write a one-page summary, start by writing a two+ page summary, including everything you want to say. Then go back and start editing and deleting until you get it down to one page. As for grading, as noted, I will take off points for misspellings, misuse of words and poor grammar (noun/verb agreement, undefined pronouns, and misuse of punctuation, to list only a few possibilities). Think of this as a professional document, one you are handing to your boss. I do not read rough drafts, but I will answer questions if you have them. If there is any part of this that is not clear to you, let me know. Ken MacLeod

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I recommend we hire Tom Roberts from Virginia University. Tom brings the potential for growth into the role of what I’m looking for and what we need in the company from a well-rounded applicant. Tom Middle of the road scoring may not impress anyone by looking at the cover, but once the book is opened, I believe a different viewpoint comes into focus. With a greater understanding of our candidate means from my perceptive he is safe as far doing what is required of him. He will also be able to quickly learn and adapt to the fast-changing pace within the company and will not get overwhelmed.